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Deno.AtomicOperation.prototype.commit - Deno documentation
method Deno.AtomicOperation.prototype.commit
AtomicOperation.prototype.commit(): Promise<KvCommitResult | KvCommitError>

Commit the operation to the KV store. Returns a value indicating whether checks passed and mutations were performed. If the operation failed because of a failed check, the return value will be a Deno.KvCommitError with an ok: false property. If the operation failed for any other reason (storage error, invalid value, etc.), an exception will be thrown. If the operation succeeded, the return value will be a Deno.KvCommitResult object with a ok: true property and the versionstamp of the value committed to KV.

If the commit returns ok: false, one may create a new atomic operation with updated checks and mutations and attempt to commit it again. See the note on optimistic locking in the documentation for Deno.AtomicOperation.

Return Type