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Temporal.Now - Web documentation
variable Temporal.Now

The Temporal.Now object has several methods which give information about the current date, time, and time zone.

See for more details.


Get the exact system date and time as a Temporal.Instant.

This method gets the current exact system time, without regard to calendar or time zone. This is a good way to get a timestamp for an event, for example. It works like the old-style JavaScript, but with nanosecond precision instead of milliseconds.

Note that a Temporal.Instant doesn't know about time zones. For the exact time in a specific time zone, use Temporal.Now.zonedDateTimeISO or Temporal.Now.zonedDateTime.

Get the current calendar date and clock time in a specific calendar and time zone.

The calendar parameter is required. When using the ISO 8601 calendar or if you don't understand the need for or implications of a calendar, then a more ergonomic alternative to this method is Temporal.Now.zonedDateTimeISO().

Get the current calendar date and clock time in a specific time zone, using the ISO 8601 calendar.

Get the current calendar date and clock time in a specific calendar and time zone.

The calendar is required. When using the ISO 8601 calendar or if you don't understand the need for or implications of a calendar, then a more ergonomic alternative to this method is Temporal.Now.plainDateTimeISO.

Note that the Temporal.PlainDateTime type does not persist the time zone, but retaining the time zone is required for most time-zone-related use cases. Therefore, it's usually recommended to use Temporal.Now.zonedDateTimeISO or Temporal.Now.zonedDateTime instead of this function.

Get the current date and clock time in a specific time zone, using the ISO 8601 calendar.

Note that the Temporal.PlainDateTime type does not persist the time zone, but retaining the time zone is required for most time-zone-related use cases. Therefore, it's usually recommended to use Temporal.Now.zonedDateTimeISO instead of this function.

Get the current calendar date in a specific calendar and time zone.

The calendar is required. When using the ISO 8601 calendar or if you don't understand the need for or implications of a calendar, then a more ergonomic alternative to this method is Temporal.Now.plainDateISO.

Get the current date in a specific time zone, using the ISO 8601 calendar.

Get the current clock time in a specific time zone, using the ISO 8601 calendar.

timeZoneId: () => string

Get the identifier of the environment's current time zone.

This method gets the identifier of the current system time zone. This will usually be a named IANA time zone.

[[Symbol.toStringTag]]: "Temporal.Now"